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Frequently Asked Questions
Lost / Found a Pet FAQs
What should I do if I lose my pet or it is stolen?
What should I do if I find a pet?
What is a Scan Angel?
How can I find a local Scan Angel?
How can become a Scan Angel?
Q. What should I do if I lose my pet or it is stolen?
A. You can report your pet missing from within your account. Click the link below to find out more.
Lost a Pet
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Q. What should I do if I find a pet?
A. If you have found a pet, please click the link below to find out how to contact the owner.
Found a Pet
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Q. What is a Scan Angel?
A. Scan Angels are unpaid volunteers that own a microchip scanner and can be called upon to scan lost pets and help reunite them with their owners.
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Q. How can I find a local Scan Angel?
A. You can find a local Scan Angel by searching a postcode, town or location.
Find Scan Angel
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Q. How can become a Scan Angel?
A. If you would like to help your local community by offering to scan lost pets for a microchip, you can sign up to become a Scan Angel.
Become Scan Angel
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Q. What should I do if I lose my pet or it is stolen?
A. You can report your pet missing from within your account. Click the link below to find out more.
Lost a Pet
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Q. What should I do if I find a pet?
A. If you have found a pet, please click the link below to find out how to contact the owner.
Found a Pet
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Q. What is a Scan Angel?
A. Scan Angels are unpaid volunteers that own a microchip scanner and can be called upon to scan lost pets and help reunite them with their owners.
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Q. How can I find a local Scan Angel?
A. You can find a local Scan Angel by searching a postcode, town or location.
Find Scan Angel
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Q. How can become a Scan Angel?
A. If you would like to help your local community by offering to scan lost pets for a microchip, you can sign up to become a Scan Angel.
Become Scan Angel
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