Register Pet Microchip
Register Pet Microchip
Registering your pet with Microchip Central will not only make you compliant with UK law, but is one of the quickest and safest ways of reuniting you with your pet.
Please check if your pet's microchip is already registered on a DEFRA compliant database before you register it. Enter the microchip number below.
To register your pet on the Microchip Central database you will need to create an account, or sign in if you already have an account and click 'Add a Pet'.
If your pets microchips are registered with a different microchip database and you wish to move them to the Microchip Central database, simply create an account by clicking the above link. After you have added your pets, you can then request your data is removed from the databases you were previously registered with. This is great for consolidating your pet registrations, minimising potential fees and saving you time in the future i.e. to update details.
Where do I find my pet's microchip number?
Microchip numbers are usually 15 digits e.g. 941000000000000 although some may be 9 / 10 or 13 digits, particularly if a pet has been microchipped outside the UK and Europe.
Your pet's microchip number will often be listed under a barcode on your pet's paperwork. You may find it in the following places:
- Microchip certificate provided by the microchip database
- Pet passport
- Pet insurance documentation
- Your pet's veterinary records
If you can't find your pet's microchip number, you can ask your local vet, rescue or dog warden to scan the pet.